
Who am I?

My name is Filipe Cymbron, and I was born and raised on São Miguel Island, in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. Being from the Archipelago of the Azores has a special meaning that you can only truly understand when you travel there. It is with great pride that we identify ourselves as Azoreans first, and this carries over into many of our values, personal traits, and ideals.

It is not what you look at that matters,
it is what you see.

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My inspiration

The Azores are a paradise on earth, and I was lucky enough to live there through my childhood and some of my teenage years. I was raised with a very close connection to nature and animals, lots of sports and outdoor activities, and a strong sense of community. Nevertheless, life wasn’t always a fairy tale, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

I was privileged to be Augusto Cymbron’s grandson. My grandfather is one of those inspirational and aspirational people we read about in books; the difference is that he is very real (at least to me). His life journey and the way he lives his convictions in such an intense and authentic way make for a very impactful lesson – a masterclass of character, love, and compassion. Since an early age, I was stimulated to think for myself, to brainstorm ideas, and to discuss my mistakes, shortcomings, and difficulties. This made me acquire perspective, chase personal growth, and appreciate learning in a very special way.